Entries tagged with “knowhow2go”.

Center for Student Opportunity has released in the early October a new “College Access & Opportunities Guide” designed to provide a comprehensive guide to first-generation college students. Developed in collaboration with KnowHow2GO, the guide offers financial aid assistance, college program ideas, information about the application process, and critical considerations students need to account for in their college prep. The guide also provides practical questions students should discuss with their guidance counselor and mentors. To learn more, visit http://www.guideorder.csopportunity.org/

Orange County, Florida is cutting back on quality programs such as AVID and the Community Education Partners program due to budget cuts. For disadvantaged students that means limited opportunities for college preparation and reduction of resources designed to assist low-income students with attaining higher education. To read more visit the Orlando Sentinel.

For counselors experiencing a shortage of structured afterschool programs dedicated to college access, there are several websites like KnowHow2Go or the College Board that provide in-depth timelines and requirements to help prepare students for postsecondary education. ThroughCollege system activities also helps students consider deeper pre-college questions, such as what are their strengths, aspirations, career interests, and goals. The activities are designed to help students and mentors (which could be family members and community volunteers) engage in deeper conversations that can make college process more meaningful.